Deep learning has become increasingly popular in both academic and industrial areas in the past years. Various domains including pattern recognition, computer vision, and natural …
This text is a second generation descendent of our text, Digital Signal Processing, which was published in 1975. At that time, the technical field of digital signal processing was in its …
ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Authoritative and comprehensive textbook on the fundamentals of analog integrated circuits, with learning …
The compressive sensing (CS) framework aims to ease the burden on analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) by reducing the sampling rate required to acquire and stably recover …
Unifying information theory and digital communication through the language of lattice codes, this book provides a detailed overview for students, researchers and industry practitioners. It …
Compressive sensing is a new signal acquisition technology with the potential to reduce the number of measurements required to acquire signals that are sparse or compressible in …
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the principles underlying optimal constrained control and estimation. The contents progress from optimisation theory, fixed …
Several classifications exist of Nyquist-rate analog-to-digital converters. In this chapter the converters are subdivided in parallel search, sequential search, and linear search. Each of …
Multirate Signal processing can improve system performance and reduce costs in applications ranging from laboratory instruments, cable modems, wireless systems …