C Stannard, JA Chevillon, AG Sinner - American Journal of Numismatics …, 2018 - JSTOR
Two further coins of the Pompeian pseudomint are published; like those published in AJN 2015, both are of the relatively small Group A, which mixes Ebusan, Massaliot and Roman …
C Stannard, G Gentric, JA Chevillon… - American Journal of …, 2015 - JSTOR
A number of “pseudomints” in central Italy struck small change with types copying a number of city mints, in the second and first centuries BC. The Pompeian Pseudomint used Massaliot …
Tres monedas del tipo Dionisio/pantera se han encontrado en Cataluxa. Una de ellas Sroviene de las e [cavaciones llevadas a cabo en Cabrera de Mar (Ilturo).(sta moneda es un …
M Osanna, G Pardini, C Pellegrino… - Studi e ricerche del Parco …, 2021 - torrossa.com
Lipp_13_Osanna_Toniolo_et_al. qxp_Layout 1 30/04/21 10: 20 Pagina 195 particolare, presenta iscrizioni in etrusco che quantitativamente costituiscono il più grande corpus di …
Three “Dionysus/panther” coins are known from Catalonia, one from excavations at Cabrera de Mar (Ilturo). This is a key component of the Central Italian Assemblage of the Italo …
Three Dionysus/panther coins are known from Catalonia, one from excavations at Cabrera de Mar (Ilturo). This is a key component of the Central Italian Assemblage of the Italo …
The Venus Pompeiana Project (VPP), a collaborative initiative between Mount Allison University, the University of Missouri, and the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, has …
Coinage was a seminal invention of 7th century Asia Minor (Lydia), which spread rapidly throughout the Mediterranean. Put simply, it meant replacing fragments of metal weighed out …