Recent technology trends evolved the student assessment from traditional ones (“pen-and- paper” and “face-to-face”) to modern e-Assessment system. These modern approaches …
This work presents a methodology based on simulator developers to be applied in several courses as well as research activities. This proposal is also based on “The Cathedral and …
In order to measure usability in higher education online courses, the E-Learning Usability Scale for Higher Education was developed in this study. After an extensive review of …
ZV Sandoval - Issues in Information Systems, 2015 -
Determining the usability of fully online courses will help faculty and designers improve the design of online courses and it is expected, students' overall experience. Few studies …
Teaching a hardware-based course for computer science students is a very challenging task. Students need to do a lot of practical work in the laboratory, usually do some practical …
Најпрво сакам најмногу да му заблагодарам на мојот ментор проф. др Марјан Гушев кој ме водеше низ цел овој процес, ме насочуваше кон вистинскати идеи и насоки за …