Discovering nontrivial repeating patterns in music data

JL Hsu, CC Liu, ALP Chen - IEEE Transactions on multimedia, 2001 -
A repeating pattern in music data is defined as a sequence of notes which appears more
than once in a music object. The themes are a typical kind of repeating patterns. The themes …

Progressive partition miner: an efficient algorithm for mining general temporal association rules

CH Lee, MS Chen, CR Lin - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge …, 2003 -
We explore a new problem of mining general temporal association rules in publication
databases. In essence, a publication database is a set of transactions where each …

Computational fugue analysis

M Giraud, R Groult, E Leguy, F Levé - Computer Music Journal, 2015 -
One of the pinnacles of form in classical Western music, the fugue is often used in the
teaching of music analysis and composition. Fugues alternate between instances of a …

A singer identification technique for content-based classification of MP3 music objects

CC Liu, CS Huang - … of the eleventh international conference on …, 2002 -
As there is a growing amount of MP3 music data available on the Internet today, the
problems related to music classification and content-based music retrieval are getting more …

Query by music segments: An efficient approach for song retrieval

ALP Chen, M Chang, J Chen, JL Hsu… - … on Multimedia and …, 2000 -
We present the techniques for retrieving songs by music segments. A music segment
consists of a segment type and the associated beat and pitch information. The similarity …

[PDF][PDF] A survey of feature selection techniques for music information retrieval

J Pickens - Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on …, 2001 - Citeseer
The content-based retrieval of Western music has received increasing attention recently.
Much of this research deals with monophonic music. Polyphonic music is more common, but …

An approximate string matching algorithm for content-based music data retrieval

CC Liu, JL Hsu, ALP Chen - Proceedings IEEE International …, 1999 -
An approach for content based music data retrieval is proposed. In this approach, thematic
feature strings, such as melody strings, rhythm strings, and chord strings are extracted from …

Melody retrieval on the web

W Chai, B Vercoe - Multimedia Computing and Networking …, 2001 -
This paper explores issues involved in a web-based query-by-humming system, which can
find a piece of music in the digital music repository based on hummed melodies. Melody …

Content-based retrieval of MP3 music objects

CC Liu, PJ Tsai - Proceedings of the tenth international conference on …, 2001 -
In recent years, the searching and indexing techniques for multimedia data are getting more
attention in the area of multimedia databases. As many research works were done on the …

Content based retrieval and navigation of music using melodic pitch contours

SG Blackburn - 2000 -
The support for audio in existing hypermedia systems is generally not as comprehensive as
for text and images, considering audio to be an endpoint medium. Temporal linking has …