The aim of this study is to present the state of the art of the migration research in Poland after 1989. It provides for the overview of the development of migration research according to …
A Popyk, M Lesińska - International Migration, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This paper aims to present an in‐depth comparative analysis of how three states in Central and Eastern Europe—Hungary, Poland and Lithuania—ensure the political inclusion of their …
Citizenship was the most important mark of political belonging in Europe in the twentieth century, while estate, religion, party, class, and nation lost political significance in the century …
M Lesińska - Studia Migracyjne-Przeglad Polonijny, 2012 -
Migracje międzynarodowe to obszar tematyczny zdecydowanie wymagający interdyscyplinarnego podejścia. Jako zjawisko masowe zarówno o globalnym zasięgu, jak …
This chapter is about the level of tolerance of dual citizenship and its determinants in Poland, an emigration country. Public debate on dual citizenship is marginal, barely present …
In citizenship matters, Poland still operates under a statute adopted in 1962 1 which is adjusted to new social and political realities on an ad hoc basis. There have been repeated …
A Kicinger, I Koryś - Migration policymaking in Europe, 2011 -
The Cold War's division of Europe impacted forms and directions of migratory movements on the continent. For both ideological and economic reasons, Poland was excluded from the …
A Górny, D Pudzianowska - Citizenship policies in the new …, 2009 -
The development of the legal notion of Polish citizenship has gone through twists and turns, shaped by the history of the country. Belonging to the Polish nation has not always meant …
D Łucka - Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny, 2021 -
This article focuses on the repatriation policy of the Polish state toward co-ethnics residing in some post-Soviet countries. Its main goal is to answer the question: Why has this policy …