Design and implementation of congestion aware router for network-on-chip

MT Balakrishnan, TG Venkatesh, AV Bhaskar - Integration, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Network-on-Chip (NoC) is the state of the art on-chip interconnection network for
packet based communication. NoCs can offer low packet latency, high bandwidth, high …

Regional selection mechanism for traffic-balanced adaptive routing algorithms in mesh-based NoC architectures

N Nosrati, HS Shahhoseini - 2020 10th International …, 2020 -
With deep submicron scaling and integrating multi and many cores on a single chip,
Network-on-Chip (NoC) has been proposed as a scalable and cost-effective solution for …

Equilibrage de charge dans les MPSoCs basés NoC

A Abdelkader - 2021 -
Résumé Le réseau sur puce (Network on Chip: NoC) est un modèle alternatif, au SoC et
MPSoC, considéré comme une technologie émergente pour les systèmes embarqués …