Noncylindrical flexural slip folds in nature and experiment

AK Dubey, PR Cobbold - Tectonophysics, 1977 - Elsevier
Some naturally formed folds in North Cornwall, England, show the following geometrical
features: 1.(a) each fold is noncylindrical; 2.(b) the profile shape varies along the hinge-line …

The rheology of plasticine

KR McClay - Tectonophysics, 1976 - Elsevier
Plasticine rheology has been investigated in plane strain compression and stress relaxation
tests. Constant strain rate tests indicate Reiner-Rivlin fluid characteristics or alternatively the …

Folds with axes parallel to the extension direction: an experimental study

D Grujic, NS Mancktelow - Journal of Structural Geology, 1995 - Elsevier
Experimental studies of single-and multilayer folding have generally considered shortening
of layers oriented perpendicular to the maximum extension direction X (ie layers parallel to …

The influence of initial fold geometry on Type 1 and Type 2 interference patterns: an experimental approach

D Grujić - Journal of Structural Geology, 1993 - Elsevier
Experiments on superposed folding were performed in a plane strain-pure shear rig using
paraffin wax as an analogue for rocks. A series of pre-formed cylindrical folds were refolded …

Multilayer folds initiated in bulk plane strain, with the axis of no change perpendicular to the layering

AJ Watkinson - Tectonophysics, 1975 - Elsevier
Buckle folds in internal multilayer systems will initiate and grow in a bulk plane strain
condition, in which the principal axis of no change, Y (X> Y> Z), is perpendicular to the …

The role of ductility contrast and basement architecture in the structural evolution of the Crystal Creek block, Mount Isa Inlier, NW Queensland, Australia

MG O'dea, GS Lister - Journal of Structural Geology, 1995 - Elsevier
The Leichhardt River Fault Trough of the Mount Isa Inlier comprises fault blocks which
exhibit different local deformational histories and structural orientations. Many structural …

Patterns of fold interference: influence of early fold shapes

AJ Watkinson - Journal of structural Geology, 1981 - Elsevier
Abstract Model experiments were specifically designed to test the effect of different profile
shapes of early folds on refolding patterns. Comparison of natural examples with …

Experiments on superimposed buckle folding

L Skjernaa - Tectonophysics, 1975 -
The geometry of experimentally developed superimposed buckle folds with internal
tangential longitudinal strain in a single competent layer embedded in an incompetent host …

Shape and structure of (analogue models of) refolded layers

D Grujic, TR Walter, H Gärtner - Journal of Structural Geology, 2002 - Elsevier
The visualisation of the intricate three-dimensional shapes that arise in non-coaxial refolding
is an ongoing problem in the study of multiply deformed terrains. Such complex forms also …

Physical models of regional fold superposition: the role of competence contrast

MK Johns, S Mosher - Journal of Structural Geology, 1996 - Elsevier
Physical models of superposed folds demonstrate that rheologic contrast strongly controls
the style of fold interference. Rheologic contrast affects strain partitioning between layer …