The number of wildlife-vehicle collisions has an obvious value in estimating the direct effects of roads on wildlife, ie mortality due to vehicle collisions. Given the nature of the data …
Aim The road network is increasing globally but the consequences of roadkill on the viability of wildlife populations are largely unknown. We provide a framework that allows us to …
Carnivore guilds play a vital role in ecological communities by cascading trophic effects, energy and nutrient transfer, and stabilizing or destabilizing food webs. Consequently, the …
Background Road mortality is probably the best-known and visible impact of roads upon wildlife. Although several factors influence road-kill counts, carcass persistence time is …
In addition to posing a serious risk to motorist safety, vehicle collisions with wildlife are a significant threat for many species. Previous spatial modeling has concluded that wildlife …
R Pagany - Biological conservation, 2020 - Elsevier
Wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVCs) are caused by the close interaction of human and wildlife habitats worldwide. The large number of globally distributed accidents and the variety of …
Road-kill is the most recognized impact of traffic and an important threat for biodiversity. Nevertheless, most research on this topic deals with particular species or with road features …
Transportation infrastructures such as roads, railroads and canals can have major environmental impacts. Ecological road effects include the destruction and fragmentation of …
Maintaining connectivity with source populations is especially important for populations of boreal species at the southern edge of their distributions, where anthropogenic disturbance …