Resource-based theory in marketing

IV Kozlenkova, SA Samaha, RW Palmatier - Journal of the academy of …, 2014 - Springer
The use of resource-based theory (RBT) in marketing research has increased by more than
500% in the past decade, which suggests its importance as a framework for explaining and …

Review of literature–Future research suggestions: Private label brands: Benefits, success factors and future research

MR Hyman, DA Kopf, D Lee - Journal of Brand Management, 2010 - Springer
As the worldwide market share of private label brands (PLBs) increases, the importance of
PLB-related research increases. Previous PLB-related literature reviews–none published …

Generation Y vs. Baby Boomers: Shopping behavior, buyer involvement and implications for retailing

A Parment - Journal of retailing and consumer services, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper presents some significant empirical findings about generational cohorts and their
shopping behavior. Marketing has long relied on the use of market segmentation. While birth …

[HTML][HTML] Store brands' purchase intention: Examining the role of perceived quality

C Calvo-Porral, JP Lévy-Mangin - European Research on Management …, 2017 - Elsevier
Considering the increase of the store brand's market share globally, the present study
addresses the following question:“Does the consumer product perceived quality influence …

What makes consumers willing to pay a price premium for national brands over private labels?

JBEM Steenkamp, HJ Van Heerde… - Journal of marketing …, 2010 -
The growing sales of private labels (PLs) pose significant challenges for national brands
(NBs) around the world. A major question is whether consumers continue to be willing to pay …

The role of price in the behavior and purchase decisions of compulsive buyers

M Kukar-Kinney, NM Ridgway, KB Monroe - Journal of Retailing, 2012 - Elsevier
The present research examines the relationship between consumers' tendencies to buy
compulsively and their response to price based on a survey of customers of an Internet …

Consumer characteristics and demand for store brands

G Baltas, PC Argouslidis - International journal of retail & distribution …, 2007 -
Purpose–Store brands represent an important part of the consumer goods market and a
prominent research area. The purpose of this paper is to address a well‐defined problem of …

The effect of business-cycle fluctuations on private-label share: what has marketing conduct got to do with it?

L Lamey, B Deleersnyder… - Journal of …, 2012 -
The authors investigate whether, and to what extent, marketing conduct varies over the
business cycle and how this contributes to the growing popularity of private labels. To …

[HTML][HTML] Marketing mix effects on private labels brand equity

C Abril, B Rodriguez-Cánovas - European journal of management and …, 2016 - Elsevier
The present study explores some marketing mix effects on private labels brand equity
creation. The research aims to study the effect of some elements under retailer's direct …

Online market entry and channel sharing strategy with direct selling diseconomies in the sharing economy era

G Li, X Zhang, SM Chiu, M Liu, SP Sethi - International Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
Channel sharing is an important marketing strategy for giant retailers who sell their own
store brands and resell national brands for cooperative manufacturers simultaneously. To …