Children's Perceptions of a Therapy Dog-Assisted Social and Emotional Learning Intervention: Survey and Interview Findings

L Wintermantel, C Grove, S Laletas - Journal of Research in …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Therapy dogs can improve the social and mental health outcomes for children and
adolescents. School-based interventions that address social and emotional learning (SEL) …

School Dogs: What Does the Research Tell Us?

H Lewis, R Grigg - Dogs in Schools, 2024 -
This chapter highlights the main findings and evidential challenges in the three main areas
that may be of particular interest to those working in schools, namely, reading with dogs …

Hissy Fits in Class: Educational Response to Emotional Dysregulation

DC Branson, NR Branson - Closing the Educational Achievement …, 2023 -
In their quest to provide a wholistic education, schools are providing more in-house source
services to students. Specifically, schools are responding to the aftermath of childhood …

Practitioner Perspectives on Animal-Assisted Treatment (AATx) with Youth Who Have Mental Health Challenges

SL Oprea - 2024 -
This study explores the experiences and perspectives of practitioners involved in Animal-
Assisted Treatment (AATx) for youth facing mental health challenges. With rising rates of …

" I am not a Bad Person [or] Evil for Being Distressed": An Exploratory Study of Autistic Adults' Experiences of Camouflaging, Resiliency, Emotion Regulation, and …

H Chapman - 2024 -
Introduction: Autistic individuals utilize camouflaging strategies to appear non-autistic.
Autistic adults experience high rates of mental health concerns, and for various reasons …

A Social IoT Hybrid Scenario to Promote the Physical, Psychological, and Social Well-Being of Elderly

I khan, L Oliveira - International Conference on Design and Digital …, 2023 - Springer
The investigation aimed at an IoT-based social hybrid scenario model for the promotion of
psychological and physical well-being amongst older adults. Owing to the ever-increasing …

[PDF][PDF] The Understandings and Experiences of Emerging Adults with ADHD: A New Lens

A Lisitza - 2022 -
With ADHD on the rise, there is a plethora of research emerging on the lived experience of
ADHD. The majority however, of this literature takes a third-person perspective or is cast …

Green Care lastensuojelun avohuollon tukitoimissa: katsaus erilaisiin menetelmiin asiakastyössä

HM Piippo - 2023 -
Green Care on enenevissä määrin pinnalla oleva käsite niin yleisessä keskustelussa sekä
sosiaalipalveluissa. Luonnon tärkeyttä ja merkitystä ihmisen hyvinvoinnille korostetaan ja …

Facilitating Social Participation Through Animal Assisted Interventions: A Literature Review of Interventions for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

S Martens - 2023 -
Children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) face various disadvantages in their
lives. Some of those are restrictions in participation and social participation. Animal assisted …

[PDF][PDF] Koira-avusteinen toiminta nuorten hyvinvoinnin tukena: opas koira-avusteiseen työskentelyyn lastensuojeluyksikössä

A Löfgren, A Nurminen - 2024 -
Koira-avusteista toimintaa on Suomessa hyvin monenlaista. Esimerkiksi
lastensuojeluyksiköissä tai rippileirillä vieraileva koira lisää vuorovaikutusta nuoren ja …