Maintaining attention for more than a few seconds is essential for mastering everyday life. Yet, our ability to stay focused on a particular task is limited, resulting in well-known …
S Lo, S Andrews - Frontiers in psychology, 2015 -
Linear mixed-effect models (LMMs) are being increasingly widely used in psychology to analyse multi-level research designs. This feature allows LMMs to address some of the …
A Berger, M Kiefer - Frontiers in psychology, 2021 -
In response time (RT) research, RT outliers are typically excluded from statistical analysis to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Nevertheless, there exist several methods for outlier …
Reading in a Second Language sets the testing and teaching of reading against a theoretical background, discussing research from both applied linguistics and cognitive …
Objectives: Health behavior theories focus on the role of conscious, reflective factors (eg, behavioral intentions, risk perceptions) in predicting and changing behavior. Dual-process …
Explicit Learning in the L2 Classroom offers a unique five-prong (theoretical, empirical, methodological, pedagogical, and model building) approach to the issue of explicit learning …
“This tenth edition of Motor Control and Learning extends and updates the major revisions in the previous edition. The many changes in that edition included new chapters, restructured …
Since publication in its first edition the Handbook of Psychological Testing has become the standard text for organisational and educational psychologists. It offers the only …
Fatigue can have a major impact on an individual's performance and wellbeing, yet is poorly understood, even within the scientific community. There is no developed theory of its origins …