Universities in transition: The promise and the challenge of new technologies

NC Burbules, TA Callister Jr - Teachers college record, 2000 - journals.sagepub.com
This essay reviews two interrelated sets of changes that are having a major influence on
higher education now and for the future. Our primary concern is with the changes wrought by …

[图书][B] Life, work and learning

D Beckett, P Hager - 2005 - taylorfrancis.com
In both paid and unpaid work contexts adults learn powerfully from their experiences. In this
book, the authors argue that this should be the basis for a new perception of what is truly …

[图书][B] Globalisation & pedagogy: Space, place and identity

R Edwards, R Usher - 2007 - taylorfrancis.com
With different pedagogic practices come different ways of examining them and fresh
understandings of their implications and assumptions. It is the examination of these changes …

[图书][B] Designing and delivering effective online instruction: How to engage adult learners

LD Bloomberg - 2021 - books.google.com
The Spring of 2020 saw educational institutions around the world abruptly convert to online
teaching formats. While this transition may be unfamiliar—and even uncomfortable—the …

Flexible learning in teacher education: Myths, muddles and models

C Bigum*, L Rowan - Asia‐Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
While there has been widespread take‐up of the concept 'flexible learning'within various
educational environments—and equally frequent references to the flexible 'natures' of the …

Ontological performance: Bodies, identities and learning

D Beckett, G Morris - Studies in the Education of Adults, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
In these post-Cartesian times, adult educators are retrieving the body as a significant site of
learning. In this article we explore this in two linked ways: conceptually, in the light of …

Chapitre 1. Pratique et profils d'utilisation des TICE chez les enseignants d'une université

F Larose, V Grenon, S Lafrance - Pratiquer les tice, 2002 - cairn.info
1 Les recherches sur l'intégration des TICE dans l'enseignement identifient deux courants
majeurs. Le premier, fondé sur une épistémologie socio-constructiviste analyse cette …

Hot action at work: A different understanding of “understanding”

D Beckett - New directions for adult and continuing education, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter offers a new approach to “understanding.” Instead of asking how the learning,
through training, is represented to the learner—Has there been a change in the state of the …

Hybrid identities, emotions and experiences of inclusion/exclusion of international PhD students in England

M Tsouroufli - 2015 - bura.brunel.ac.uk
This paper draws on a qualitative interview study, which aimed to explore how international
PhD students make sense of their experiences of studying in a Russell group University and …

[PDF][PDF] Open ended group projects a'tool'for more effective teaching

I Newman, M Daniels, X Faulkner - Proceedings of the fifth …, 2003 - academia.edu
Abstract Open Ended Group Projects [OEGP] offer an educational'model', or tool, that has
many benefits in terms of how and what students learn. This paper contains an explanation …