In Between the-and-Control Theories

AP Kurdyukov, OG Andrianova, AA Belov… - Automation and Remote …, 2021 - Springer
In this survey, we discuss various approaches to control theory that have arisen in the recent
decades and reflect the desire to reach a trade-off between the LQG/H_2-control theory and …

Static output feedback anisotropic controller design by LMI-based approach: General and special cases

M Tchaikovsky - 2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 2012 -
This paper considers an approach to attenuation of uncertain stochastic disturbances for a
linear discrete time invariant system. The statistical uncertainty is measured in terms of the …

Anisotropy-based controller design for linear discrete-time systems with multiplicative noise

AV Yurchenkov - Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences …, 2018 - Springer
This paper extends anisotropy-based control theory methods to the class of linear discrete-
time systems with multiplicative noise, which involves an informational criterion to describe …

On the anisotropy-based bounded real lemma formulation for the systems with disturbance-term multiplicative noise

AY Kustov, AP Kurdyukov, AV Yurchenkov - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper is an attempt to present the methodologically correct approach of the anisotropy-
based theory for discrete-time systems with multiplicative noise. A formulation of sufficient …

Numerical procedures for anisotropic analysis of time-invariant systems and synthesis of suboptimal anisotropic controllers and filters

MM Tchaikovsky, VN Timin, AY Kustov… - Automation and Remote …, 2018 - Springer
This paper briefly considers solutions of primary statements of problem of anisotropic
analysis of time-invariant systems and problems of synthesis of suboptimal and γ-optimal …

Solution of the stochastic H -optimization problem for discrete time linear systems under parametric uncertainty

AP Kurdyukov, EA Maximov - Automation and Remote Control, 2006 - Springer
The stochastic H∞-optimization problem for a linear discrete time system with uncertain
parameters is formulated and solved. The system operates in the presence of Gaussian …

Между и теориями управления

АП Курдюков, ОГ Андрианова, АА Белов… - Автоматика и …, 2021 -
В обзоре обсуждаются различные подходы в теории управления, возникавшие на
протяжении последних десятилетий, которые отражают желание найти компромисс …

State-space solution to stochastic H∞-optimization problem with uncertainty

AP Kurdyukov, EA Maximov - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2005 - Elsevier
Robust stochastic anisotropy-based H∞-optimization problem for discrete linear time-
invariant (LTI) systems with structured parametric uncertainty is considered. It is shown that …

Решение стохастической задачи -оптимизации для линейных дискретных систем с параметрической неопределенностью

АП Курдюков, ЕА Максимов - Автоматика и телемеханика, 2006 -
Решение стохастической задачи $\mathcal H_\infty$-оптимизации для линейных ди Page
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Longitudinal anisotropy-based flight control in a wind shear

AP Kurdyukov, BV Pavlov, VN Timin… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2004 - Elsevier
The design of the control of an aircraft encounter wind shear in landing approach is treated
as a problem of minimizing of anisotropy gain between the wind shear and two components …