Tempe is an Indonesian fermented food prepared from soybean or other non-soy legumes. Non-soy legumes based tempes have been reported to have a nutritional profile different …
Soaking is an important step in making tempeh. Tempeh fermentation normally involves the natural presence of proteolytic bacteria capable of producing protease enzymes to break …
This research assessed the influence of pickling, fermentation, germination, and tea brewing on lignan content of a variety of food highly consumed in Malaysia. Lignans have been …
This research assessed the influence of fermentation and germination as well as of particle size on lignan bioaccessibility from flaxseed by simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion …
METODE Kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif yang bahan tulisannya diperoleh melalui tinjauan (review) pustaka dengan menggali dan menelaah data dan …
The more population grows, the more the food demand required. In this case, soybean, due to the less production compared to rice. In order to support food self-sufficiency and soybean …
Tempe merupakan salah satu produk fermentasi tradisional berasal dari Indonesia yang terbuat dari kacang kedelai. Produksi kedelai dalam negeri saat ini belum mampu …
Jack bean is one of the potential legumes as a source of ACE-inhibitory peptides in tempe fermentation due to its high protein content and amino acids composition. A traditional …
Sorghum is growing to become an alternative substitute of food ingredients for various food products. Supported by its productivity and high nutrient content, sorghum can be converted …