Goal conflicts and self-regulation: A new look at pupils' off-task behaviour in the classroom

M Hofer - Educational Research Review, 2007 - Elsevier
In this paper, pupils' misconduct in the classroom is interpreted as a change from on-task to
off-task behaviour. This change entails a switch from a current learning behaviour to an …

[图书][B] Learner-centred education in international perspective: Whose pedagogy for whose development?

M Schweisfurth - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Is learner-centred education appropriate for all societies and classrooms? Learner-centred
education (LCE) is a travelling policy, widely promoted by international agencies and …

[图书][B] Cultural foundations of learning: East and West

J Li - 2012 - books.google.com
Western and East Asian people hold fundamentally different beliefs about learning that
influence how they approach child rearing and education. Reviewing decades of research …

Мотивация учебной деятельности школьников и студентов: структура, механизмы, условия развития: дис.… д-ра психол. наук

ТО Гордеева - 2013 - static.freereferats.ru
Основным содержанием диссертационного исследования является разработанная
автором интефативная структурно-процессуальная модель мотивации учебной …

Situating motivation

SB Nolen, IS Horn, CJ Ward - Educational Psychologist, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This article describes a situative approach to studying motivation to learn in social contexts.
We begin by contrasting this perspective to more prevalent psychological approaches to the …

[图书][B] Teaching for understanding: What it is and how to do it

DP Newton - 2011 - taylorfrancis.com
First published in 2012. Why does understanding really matter? Why do some learners fail to
understand? At a time when league tables can be everything, examination grades matter …

Mejora en la motivación por la Lectura Académica: la mirada de estudiantes motivados

C Muñoz, J Valenzuela, C Avendaño, C Núñez - 2016 - repositoriorscj.dyndns.org
" Dada la importancia de la lectura académica en la formación universitaria y que uno de los
factores gravitantes en este tipo de tarea son los aspectos motivacionales, el presente …

Causal attributions of success and failure made by undergraduate students in an introductory-level computer programming course

N Hawi - Computers & Education, 2010 - Elsevier
The purpose of this research is to identify the causal attributions of business computing
students in an introductory computer programming course, in the computer science …

Внутренняя и внешняя учебная мотивация академически успешных школьников

ТО Гордеева, ЕА Шепелева - Вестник Московского университета …, 2011 - cyberleninka.ru
На репрезентативной выборке учащихся 6-11-х классов массовых школ (N= 665)
показано, что школьники, демонстрирующие высокую академическую успешность (АУ) …

What did PISA and TIMSS ever do for us?: The potential of large scale datasets for understanding and improving educational practice

J Elliott, L Stankov, J Lee, JF Beckmann - Comparative Education, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
There appears to be something of an intellectual and philosophical gulf between education
researchers who seek insights from statistical analyses of complex data-sets such as those …