This monograph presents an original portrait of the second-century miscellanist Aulus Gellius, based on a detailed reading of" Attic Nights" against its contemporary background …
Philostratus is one of the greatest examples of the vitality and inventiveness of the Greek culture of his period, at once a one-man summation of contemporary tastes and interests …
Many colleagues and friends have contributed to the development of this dissertation, perhaps more than many of them realise. Hakan Erdem has given me truly invaluable …
D Rohrbacher - Classical Antiquity, 2010 -
A distinctive feature of the biographies of Suetonius is his methodical and detailed description of the physical appearances of the emperors. This feature was adopted by two …
In the process of recording the history of the Roman Empire, from the death of Marcus Aurelius to the accession of Gordian III, Herodian makes his characters respond to the same …
During the late second and early third centuries CE the resurrection became a central question for intellectual commentary, with increasingly tense divisions between those who …
Byzantine Childhood examines the intricacies of growing up in medieval Byzantium, children's everyday experiences, and their agency. By piecing together a wide range of …
" Te esperaré, hermana", escribió, de su puño y letra, Claudia Severa a su amiga Sulpicia Lepidina, en la invitación a la celebración de su cumpleaños en un fuerte perdido junto al …
La fisiognomía es una disciplina que interpreta el aspecto exterior de los seres humanos (ya veces, de animales) para sacar conclusiones acerca de su carácter, disposición y destino …