II Eliazar, MF Shlesinger - Physics reports, 2013 - Elsevier
Brownian motion is the archetypal model for random transport processes in science and engineering. Brownian motion displays neither wild fluctuations (the “Noah effect”), nor long …
Anomalous diffusion is frequently described by scaled Brownian motion (SBM), a Gaussian process with a power-law time dependent diffusion coefficient. Its mean squared …
Nonergodicity observed in single-particle tracking experiments is usually modeled by transient trapping rather than spatial disorder. We introduce models of a particle diffusing in …
This paper presents a concise and up-to-date tour to the realm of inequality indices. Originally devised for socioeconomic applications, inequality indices gauge the divergence …
We study far from equilibrium transport of a periodically driven inertial Brownian particle moving in a periodic potential. As detected for a SQUID ratchet dynamics, the mean square …
To date investigations of the dynamics of driven colloidal systems have focused on hydrodynamic interactions and often employ optical (laser) tweezers for manipulation …
Thermally activated particle motion in disorder potentials is controlled by the large-Δ V tail of the distribution of height Δ V of the potential barriers created by the disorder. We employ the …
Using extensive numerical studies we demonstrate that absolute negative mobility of a Brownian particle (ie the net motion into the direction opposite to a constant biasing force …
We study the effects of ageing—the time delay between initiation of the physical process at t= 0 and start of observation at some time ${{t} _ {{\rm a}}}\gt 0$—and spatial confinement on …