The effectiveness of correctional rehabilitation: A review of systematic reviews

MW Lipsey, FT Cullen - Annu. Rev. Law Soc. Sci., 2007 -
The effects of correctional interventions on recidivism have important public safety
implications when offenders are released from probation or prison. Hundreds of studies …

Distinguishing science from pseudoscience in school psychology: Science and scientific thinking as safeguards against human error

SO Lilienfeld, R Ammirati, M David - Journal of School Psychology, 2012 - Elsevier
Like many domains of professional psychology, school psychology continues to struggle
with the problem of distinguishing scientific from pseudoscientific and otherwise …

[图书][B] The psychology of criminal conduct

J Bonta, DA Andrews - 2016 -
The Psychology of Criminal Conduct, Sixth Edition, provides a psychological and evidence-
informed perspective of criminal behavior that sets it apart from many criminological and …

Defining and measuring youth digital citizenship

LM Jones, KJ Mitchell - New media & society, 2016 -
There is an increasing interest in improving youth digital citizenship through education.
However, the term 'digital citizenship'currently covers a broad range of goals. To improve …

[图书][B] Systematic reviews in the social sciences: A practical guide

M Petticrew, H Roberts - 2008 -
Such diverse thinkers as Lao-Tze, Confucius, and US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
have all pointed out that we need to be able to tell the difference between real and assumed …

[PDF][PDF] Community psychology

B Kloos, J Hill, E Thomas, A Wandersman… - Belmont, CA …, 2012 -
We invite you to join us for this book's journey through the exciting field of community
psychology! As a team of authors, we each came to community psychology because it …

[图书][B] The great psychotherapy debate: The evidence for what makes psychotherapy work

BE Wampold, ZE Imel - 2015 -
The second edition of The Great Psychotherapy Debate has been updated and revised to
expand the presentation of the Contextual Model, which is derived from a scientific …

The primary factors that characterize effective interventions with juvenile offenders: A meta-analytic overview

MW Lipsey - Victims and offenders, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Previous meta-analyses have identified many effective interventions for reducing the
recidivism of juvenile offenders and various program factors that are associated with the best …

[图书][B] The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison: A Reader (2-downloads)

J Reiman, P Leighton - 2015 -
This book shows students that much that goes on in the criminal justice system violates their
own sense of basic fairness, presents evidence that the system malfunctions, and sketches a …

[图书][B] Intelligence-led policing

JH Ratcliffe - 2016 -
What is intelligence-led policing? Who came up with the idea? Where did it come from? How
does it relate to other policing paradigms? What distinguishes an intelligence-led approach …