Co trafniej objaśnia religijność ludzi i społeczeństw oraz stosunki państwo-Kościół: teoria czy historia? W książce Bóg a sprawa polska. Poza granicami teorii sekularyzacji …
The book provides an empirically based analysis of changes on how various political and denominational actors seek to influence the Church and state relationship, as well as how …
The modern Polish cultural system emerges through the interplay between social structure and agency, which represent different properties and powers or, more …
Background: The paper explores the lack of social capital linked to deconstruction of religious ties among young people in Poland. The authors analysed it against the backdrop …
D Kiełb, P Mąkosa - European Journal of Science and Theology, 2021 -
Abstract Polish region called Podkarpacie (Subcarpathian) is often considered as a very Catholic part of Poland and the European Union. In this region, still a very big percentage of …
2.1. Dyskurs nacjonalistyczny 2.1. 1. Zarys tożsamości i jej kategorie konstytutywne 2.1. 2. Tradycjonalizm a liberalizm–źródła aktu wykluczenia 2.1. 3. W roli Wroga–stosunek do Unii …
M Chrostowski - Paedagogia Christiana, 2021 -
Presently, Poland appears to be a vital stronghold of Catholicism in the international arena. It appears to be a homogeneous society, that remains to be hermetically sealed and not …
From a critical realist perspective, this book examines the manner and the extent to which religion is shaped by modernity. With a focus on Poland, one of the most monolithic and …
D Dobosz, M Gierczyk, A Janiak, D Piasecki, B Rajba - Religions, 2022 -
This paper attempts to identify the changes in religiosity among Catholic practitioners in Poland that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on the changes in the …