The mediating effects of specific types of self-efficacy on the relationship between math anxiety and performance

MM Jameson, C Dierenfeld, J Ybarra - Education Sciences, 2022 -
The negative relationship between math anxiety and math performance is well-supported in
the literature. The important role of students' math self-efficacy (ie, their confidence in their …

Relation between pupils' mathematical self-efficacy and mathematical problem solving in the context of the teachers' preferred pedagogies

V Chytrý, J Medová, J Říčan, J Škoda - Sustainability, 2020 -
In research focused on self-efficacy it is usually teacher-related phenomena that are studied,
while the main aspects related to pupils are rather neglected, although self-efficacy itself is …

Kebimbangan dan efikasi kendiri terhadap pembelajaran matematik dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan empat

EX Hui, R Rosli - Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and …, 2021 -
Pembelajaran matematik masa kini tidak lagi hanya menekankan pembinaan tingkah laku
pelajar yang dapat dikesan daripada tindak balas dan rangsangan. Bahkan juga memberi …

Meningkatkan self-efficacy matematika siswa melalui pembelajaran berbasis masalah

FP Negara, Z Abidin, SS Faradiba - Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2023 -
Pembelajaran matematika dipengaruhi faktor afektif yang sangat penting bagi siswa, salah
satu faktor tersebut adalah self-efficacy. Siswa dituntut untuk memiliki self-efficacy …

Persepsi Kebimbangan dan Efikasi Kendiri Murid Sekolah Rendah dalam Pembelajaran Matematik

NS Muner, R Rosli - Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences …, 2023 -
Kebimbangan dan efikasi kendiri adalah faktor yang mempengaruhi minat dan sikap murid
dalam pembelajaran subjek Matematik. Kebimbangan yang minimum dan efikasi kendiri …

Path Analysis of Critical Thinking Effect on Self-Efficiency Among Nursing and Medical Students

O Khosravizadeh, B Ahadinezhad… - Evidence Based …, 2022 -
Background: Critical thinking is the ability to ask appropriate questions and gather relevant
information. It enables rational judgment and problem-solving for physicians and nurses. For …

Comparison of Mathematics Self-Efficacy in Female STEM Undergraduate Students by Ethnicity and Academic Levels

LA Starr - 2022 -
The purpose of this quantitative comparative study was to identify if and to what extent
average mathematics self-efficacy is different in college STEM female students in Virginia by …

[PDF][PDF] Srovnání preferovaných strategií řízení učebních činností v hodinách matematiky na 1. stupni ZŠ z hlediska úspěšnosti v didaktických testech a úrovně …

V Chytrý - 2020 -
Mé poděkování patří všem, kteří se na výzkumu podíleli, ať už se jedná o výzkumný tým
složený z řad studentek PF UJEP nebo učitelek a učitelů, potažmo vedení škol, bez nichž by …

[图书][B] Assessing High School Students' Anxiety Levels, Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Attitudes, and Performance towards Arithmetic and Algebra

DS Jasani - 2022 -
Math consists of many components such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry,
statistics, where each component holds its importance in the field of math. Students of …

[PDF][PDF] Assessing Self-Efficacy Beliefs of High School Students Towards Arithmetic and Algebra

D Jasani - Aspen Journal of Scholarly Works (AJSW) -
The study aimed to assess the self-efficacy beliefs of students of Grades 11 and 12 studying
the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program towards arithmetic and algebra. 68 …