Categories are fundamental to everyday life and the ability to learn new categories is relevant across the lifespan. Categories are ubiquitous across modalities, supporting …
Children make faster and more accurate decisions about perceptual information as they get older, but it is unclear how different aspects of the decision-making process change with …
A growing body of research suggests that individual variation in young children's word comprehension (indexed by response times and accuracy) is structured and meaningful. In …
Children’s comprehension of implicatures in picture-matching tasks Page 1 Children’s comprehension of implicatures in picture-matching tasks Elspeth Wilson rev …
Children make faster and more accurate decisions about perceptual information as they get older, but it is unclear how different aspects of the decision-making process change with …
Children’s comprehension of implicatures in picture-matching tasks Page 1 Children’s comprehension of implicatures in picture-matching tasks Elspeth Wilson …
Adults routinely use the context of utterances to infer a meaning beyond the literal semantics of their words (eg, inferring from “She ate some of the cookies” that she ate some, but not …