Transfer of test-enhanced learning: Meta-analytic review and synthesis.

SC Pan, TC Rickard - Psychological bulletin, 2018 -
Attempting recall of information from memory, as occurs when taking a practice test, is one of
the most potent training techniques known to learning science. However, does testing yield …

Argument to foster scientific literacy: A review of argument interventions in K–12 science contexts

AR Cavagnetto - Review of educational research, 2010 -
The goal of scientific literacy has led to a steady increase in argument-based interventions in
science education contexts. It has been suggested that student participation in argument …

Deliberate learning and the evolution of dynamic capabilities

M Zollo, SG Winter - Organization science, 2002 -
This paper investigates the mechanisms through which organizations develop dynamic
capabilities, defined as routinized activities directed to the development and adaptation of …

Are individual differences germane to the acceptance of new information technologies?

R Agarwal, J Prasad - Decision sciences, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
Persuading users to adopt new information technologies persists as an important problem
confronting those responsible for implementing new information systems. In order to better …

Media will never influence learning

RE Clark - Educational technology research and development, 1994 - Springer
The purpose of this discussion is to explain and sharpen different points of view about the
impact of media and attributes of media on learning, motivation and efficiency gains from …

Repeated testing produces superior transfer of learning relative to repeated studying.

AC Butler - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory …, 2010 -
The present research investigated whether test-enhanced learning can be used to promote
transfer. More specifically, 4 experiments examined how repeated testing and repeated …

Rocky roads to transfer: Rethinking mechanism of a neglected phenomenon

G Salomon, DN Perkins - Educational psychologist, 1989 - Taylor & Francis
Recent findings of transfer and nontransfer in such areas as planning and problem
management skills, computer programming instruction, and literacy-related cognitive skills …


J Hiebert, T Carpenter - … of research on mathematics teaching and …, 2006 -
One of the most widely accepted ideas within the mathematics education community is the
idea that students should understand mathematics. The goal of many research and …

Are cognitive skills context-bound?

DN Perkins, G Salomon - Educational researcher, 1989 -
Effective problem solving, sound decision making, insightful invention—do such aspects of
good thinking depend more on deep expertise in a specialty than on reflective awareness …

A critical approach to critical thinking in TESOL

D Atkinson - TESOL quarterly, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
This article presents four more‐or‐less independent reasons why TESOL educators should
be cautious about adopting critical thinking pedagogies in their classrooms:(a) Critical …