ME Diamantis - Law & Contemp. Probs., 2020 - HeinOnline
INTRODUCTION: IT JUST GREW To break the law, one must have a body capable of acting. Since US law is committed to a centuries-old legal fiction according to which corporations …
Should the United States retain corporate criminal law? For more than a century, pearl- clutching abolitionists have decried the conceptual puzzles and supposed injustices of …
The sociological literature on domestic abuse shows that it is more complex than a series of physical assaults. Abusers use" coercive control" to subjugate their partners through a web …
Corporate criminal law is built atop the doctrine of respondeat superior, whereby a business organization can be convicted for virtually any crime committed by its employee. Critics have …
D Harris - Fla. St. U. Bus. Rev., 2021 - HeinOnline
Vicarious liability means holding one person responsible for the misdeeds of another just as if the wrongdoer and the defendant were the same person. There are two competing …
ABSTRACT This Article examines 148 Victim Impact Statements that were delivered to the court in the Larry Nassar criminal sentencing. Larry Nassar was a doctor for the United …
BRANDING CORPORATE CRIMINALS Page 1 BRANDING CORPORATE CRIMINALS W Robert Thomas* & Milhailis E. Diamantis** Corporate punishment has a branding problem …
This Article explores how" habit evidence" will become a catalyst for a new form of digital proof based on the explosive growth of smart homes, smart cars, smart devices, and the …
This article discusses some of the issues surrounding artificial intelligence systems and whether artificial intelligence systems should be granted legal personhood. The first part of …