Automatically evolving rotation-invariant texture image descriptors by genetic programming

H Al-Sahaf, A Al-Sahaf, B Xue… - IEEE Transactions …, 2016 -
In computer vision, training a model that performs classification effectively is highly
dependent on the extracted features, and the number of training instances. Conventionally …

Keypoints detection and feature extraction: A dynamic genetic programming approach for evolving rotation-invariant texture image descriptors

H Al-Sahaf, M Zhang, A Al-Sahaf… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2017 -
The goodness of the features extracted from the instances and the number of training
instances are two key components in machine learning, and building an effective model is …

Binary image classification: A genetic programming approach to the problem of limited training instances

H Al-Sahaf, M Zhang, M Johnston - Evolutionary Computation, 2016 -
In the computer vision and pattern recognition fields, image classification represents an
important yet difficult task. It is a challenge to build effective computer models to replicate the …

Genetic programming for automatically synthesising robust image descriptors with a small number of instances

H Al-Sahaf - 2017 -
Image classification is a core task in many applications of computer vision, including object
detection and recognition. It aims at analysing the visual content and automatically …

Feature Extraction and Image Classification Using Particle Swarm Optimization by Evolving Rotation-Invariant Image Descriptors

BAA Lekshmi, JA Linsely, MPF Queen… - … on Emerging Trends …, 2018 -
In the system proposed here an algorithm for feature extraction and classification of image
by using particle swarm optimization (PSO) is implemented. The effective performance in …

Explorations in Parallel Linear Genetic Programming

C Downey - 2011 -
Linear Genetic Programming (LGP) is a powerful problem-solving technique, but one with
several significant weaknesses. LGP programs consist of a linear sequence of instructions …