T Sakajo - Journal of fluid mechanics, 2012 - cambridge.org
It has been pointed out that the anomalous enstrophy dissipation in non-smooth weak solutions of the two-dimensional Euler equations has a clue to the emergence of the inertial …
P Birtea, D Comănescu - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2012 - Springer
On a Riemannian manifold (M, g) we consider the k+ 1 functions F 1,..., F k, G and construct the vector fields that conserve F 1,..., F k and dissipate G with a prescribed rate. We study the …
Given a dynamical system with m independent conserved quantities, we construct a multiparameter family of new systems in which these quantities evolve monotonically and …
JA Hanna - Mechanics Research Communications, 2021 - Elsevier
Expositions of the Euler equations for the rotation of a rigid body often invoke the idea of a specially damped system whose energy dissipates while its angular momentum magnitude …
В работе применяется топологический подход для поиска и анализа устойчивости относительных равновесий для системы трех вихрей равнойинтенсивности в круговой …
A San Miguel - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper presents a numerical study on the dynamics of point vortex pairs moving on convex closed surfaces (ovaloids) approximated by triangular icosahedral meshes. Firstly …
The present work deals with vortical flow instabilities, in particular with those that appear in the wake left by aircraft, wind turbines or any other body surrounded by fluid, generating a …
El presente trabajo trata inestabilidades en flujos con vórtices, en particular, aquellas que aparecen en la estela dejada por aeronaves, aerogeneradores o cualquier otro cuerpo …