Quantum classification algorithm based on competitive learning neural network and entanglement measure

M Zidan, AH Abdel-Aty, M El-shafei, M Feraig… - Applied Sciences, 2019 - mdpi.com
In this paper, we develop a novel classification algorithm that is based on the integration
between competitive learning and the computational power of quantum computing. The …

[HTML][HTML] Non-classical computing problems: toward novel type of quantum computing problems

M Zidan, H Eleuch, M Abdel-Aty - Results in Physics, 2021 - Elsevier
Quantum teleportation draws our attention to propose a new type of problems which can not
be solved using classical computers. In this paper, we propose one of these problems …

[PDF][PDF] 光纤激光器泵浦的飞秒光学参量振荡器研究进展

胡明列, 王珏, 范锦涛 - Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2021 - researching.cn
摘要超快光学参量振荡器(OPOs) 是获得高重复频率, 高平均功率, 宽光谱调谐脉冲输出的理想
途径, 为化学, 生物, 纳米光子学等领域的研究提供了强有力的手段. 随着掺Yb3+ …

Non-classical effects in cavity QED containing a nonlinear optical medium and a quantum well: Entanglement and non-Gaussanity

AB Mohamed, H Eleuch - The European Physical Journal D, 2015 - Springer
Entanglement and non-Gaussianity are investigated in cavity QED containing a high optical
nonlinear medium and a quantum well. It is shown that the dynamical behavior of the …

Coherence and information dynamics of a -type three-level atom interacting with a damped cavity field

ABA Mohamed, H Eleuch - The European Physical Journal Plus, 2017 - Springer
An analytical description of a three-level atom in an optical cavity coupled to the
environment is obtained. The Husimi function and the Wehrl density are calculated to …

Optomechanical quadrature squeezing in the non-Markovian regime

B Xiong, X Li, SL Chao, L Zhou - Optics Letters, 2018 - opg.optica.org
Squeezing of quantum fluctuation plays an important role in fundamental quantum physics
and has marked influence on ultrasensitive detection. We propose a scheme to generate …

Adiabatic passage in the presence of noise

T Noel, MR Dietrich, N Kurz, G Shu, J Wright… - Physical Review A …, 2012 - APS
We report on an experimental investigation of rapid adiabatic passage (RAP) in a trapped
barium ion system. RAP is implemented on the transition from the 6 S 1/2 ground state to the …

Analytical solution to position dependent mass Schrödinger equation

PK Jha, H Eleuch, YV Rostovtsev - Journal of Modern Optics, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Using a recently developed technique to solve the Schrödinger equation for constant mass,
we have studied the regime in which the mass varies with position, ie the position …

Protecting the precision of estimation in a photonic crystal

K Berrada - JOSA B, 2015 - opg.optica.org
The quantum Fisher information (QFI) of a two-level atom in an anisotropic and isotropic
photonic band-gap (PBG) crystal has been studied without Born or Markovian …

Entangled thermal mixed states for multi-qubit systems

M Mansour, M Daoud - Modern Physics Letters B, 2019 - World Scientific
We derive the entangled thermal mixed states by using the formalism of phase states for a
finite-dimensional algebra of a multi-qubit system in contact with an independent thermal …