Inter-domain bandwidth costs comprise a significant amount of the operating expenditure of cloud providers. Traffic engineering systems at the cloud edge must strike a fine balance …
Anycast is used to serve content including web pages and DNS, and anycast deployments are growing. However, prior work examining root DNS suggests anycast deployments incur …
Software-defined networking (SDN) has been widely adopted in different networks, such as datacenter and service providers. The SDN controller has the entire network view and is …
Software-Defined Network (SDN) controller needs comprehensive visibility of the whole network to provide effective routing and forwarding decisions in the data layer. However, the …
Cloud computing has seen continuous growth over the last decade. The recent rise in popularity of next-generation applications brings forth the question:" Can current cloud …
Anycast addressing-assigning the same IP address to multiple, distributed devices-has become a fundamental approach to improving the resilience and performance of Internet …
Edge computing aims to enable applications with stringent latency requirements, eg, augmented reality, and tame the overwhelming data streams generated by IoT devices. A …
Internet routing can often be sub-optimal, with the chosen routes providing worse performance than other available policy-compliant routes. This stems from the lack of …
DNS latency is a concern for many service operators: CDNs exist to reduce service latency to end-users but must rely on global DNS for reachability and load-balancing. Today, DNS …