Pengaruh literasi wakaf terhadap minat mahasiswa berwakaf pada forum wakaf mahasiswa Indonesia

F Rasela - Jurnal Riset Perbankan Syariah, 2022 -
Participation in the waqf movement needs to strengthen literacy, namely for the younger
generation, students and students as a generation of educated elites and future leaders who …

Literasi Zakat: Interpretasi Masyarakat Terhadap Kewajiban Membayar Zakat

U Hasanah, M Maghfur… - Journal of Islamic Social …, 2021 -
Nationally the gap of zakat potential with the reality of zakat really happens, one problem is
low zakat literacy. This research seeks to examine the level of zakat literacy in the …

[PDF][PDF] Priority Factor Analysis on Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) Utilization in Indonesian Shariah Capital Market

C Sukmadilaga, E Puspitasari, D Yunita… - … of Accounting and …, 2021 -
The research will be focusing on CWLS's growth and development of its implementation by
researching its potential utilization in the capital market and the challenges and setbacks …

The Map of the Understanding Level of Cash Waqf for Jama'ah of Masjid in District of Ponorogo City

A Latif, I Haryadi, A Susilo - Journal of Finance and Islamic …, 2021 -
The low level of participation of waqf in society is caused by the low level of understanding
of waqf. Therefore, this research is aimed to mapping the understanding of waqf. The object …

Digitalization of Zakat in Stimulating Community Socio-Economic Development in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Maqashid Syariah Perspective)

S Rizal, M Pakkanna - European Journal of Humanities and Social …, 2023 -
The Covid-19 pandemic seems to have harmed people's lives, especially in social and
economic aspects. The Islamic finance sector can solve these problems because, in …

Implementation of Zakat Fund Utilization Management to Asnaf Fi Sabilillah (Case Study of LAZ Al Bunyan)

TA Ningrum, I Hamdani… - Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi …, 2023 -
Management is needed for Zakat Management Institutions in the process of collecting,
distributing and utilizing zakat funds. One of the amil zakat institutions in the city of Bogor on …

Implementasi QRIS dalam KOIN NU LAZISNU Jawa Timur

E Rahayuningsih, E Styawati… - Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi …, 2024 -
Abstract Kotak Infaq Nahdhatul Ulama'(KOIN NU) is an infaq fundraising activity conducted
by Lembaga Amil Zakat, Infaq, and an Shadaqah NU (Lazisnu). With digitalization, this …

Analisis Program Penggunaan Dana KOIN NU Lazisnu untuk Kepedulian Sosial Masyarakat (Studi Kasus di Desa Tondumulyo)

A Zainuddin, L Nugroho, D Sugiarti - Jurnal Cakrawala Ilmiah, 2022 -
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas program pengelolaan dana Koin
NU untuk kepedulian sosial masyarakat yang ada di Desa Tondomulyo yang rata-rata …

Peran Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah dan Wakaf dalam Memberdayakan Ekonomi Ummat

R Allamah, S Sudiarti, J Saputra - Al-Sharf: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2021 -
The problem of poverty is always interesting to study because it is a serious problem
involving the human dimension. Poverty remains a problem that cannot be considered easy …

Pengaruh Activity Ratio, Amil Fund Ratio, dan Growth Ratio terhadap Efisiensi Pengelolaan Dana Zakat pada Organisasi Pengelola Zakat di Indonesia

H Hafizhan, A Sardiana - Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 2024 -
The purpose of this research is to measure the efficiecy of Zakat Management Organization
to manage the zakah fund. And how the Activity Ratio, Amil Fund Ratio, and Growth Ratio …