D Agustina, Y Yanto - ARBITRASE: Journal of Economics and …, 2022 - djournals.com
Financial reporting via the internet is the disclosure of financial information using the company's own website. With the development of information technology, all work and …
Pada zaman modern, pertumbuhan teknologi menjadi fasilitas yang sangat mendukung kegiatan operasional suatu perusahaan, khususnya penggunaan yang berbasis internet …
The company has the responsibility towards stakeholders to convey information, both financial reports and other important information. Disclosure of financial and non-financial …
V BAB - Dalam bab terakhir akan diuraikan mengenai … - repository.umy.ac.id
No Kode Perusahaan Tahun Aset Lancar Hutang Lancar Current Ratio 1 ARNA 2011 261,066 257,011 1.01578 2 AUTO 2011 2,509,443 1,892,818 1.32577 3 BRAM 2011 …