[图书][B] Negotiating bioethics: The governance of UNESCO's bioethics programme

A Langlois - 2013 - library.oapen.org
The sequencing of the entire human genome has opened up unprecedented possibilities for
healthcare, but also ethical and social dilemmas about how these can be achieved …

Students' biotechnology literacy: The pillars of STEM education in Malaysia

NM Bahri, E Suryawati, K Osman - Eurasia Journal of Mathematics …, 2014 - ejmste.com
Biotechnology has been widely applied in various products throughout the 21st century.
Malaysia selected the biotechnology sector as one of the key strategic technologies that …

Public perceptions of biotechnology in South Africa

M Gastrow, B Roberts, V Reddy, S Ismail - South African Journal of …, 2018 - scielo.org.za
ABSTRACT A nationally representative survey of the South African public's perceptions of
biotechnology provides new insights into the position of the sector in the public sphere …

Science and the social media in an African context: The case of the Square Kilometre Array telescope

M Gastrow - Science Communication, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
This study presents a media content analysis of representations of the Square Kilometre
Array telescope on Twitter by South African users, drawing on a sample of 1,588 Tweets …

Factors influencing the public communication behaviour of publicly visible scientists in South Africa

CMM Joubert - 2018 - scholar.sun.ac.za
Abstract ENGLISH SUMMARY: Given the policy intention of the South African government to
encourage and support public science engagement, this study set out to identify and …

The stars in our eyes: Representations of the Square Kilometre Array telescope in the South African media

M Gastrow - 2015 - scholar.sun.ac.za
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vierkantkilometer-radioteleskoop SKA (―Square
Kilometre Array‖) sal na verwagting die grootste teleskoop op aarde en die grootste …

[PDF][PDF] Science communication throughout turbulent times

M Joubert, S Mkansi - A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE, 2020 - library.oapen.org
Science is practised within the contexts of societies. What's more, the public communication
of science is sculpted by politics, culture and socioeconomic realities. As such, the …

Bridging a gap–mapping the science coverage of South African newspapers

L Guenther, P Weingart, M Joubert - The cultural authority of …, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Geographical relevance could be a significant factor in bridging the gap between science
and society. To better describe and map the coverage of science in South African …

Sharing science in Africa: The state of research into science communication and informal learning

A Lelliott - The World of Science Education, 2017 - brill.com
In a 2004 article about science education research in South Africa, Malcolm and Alant asked
the question,“Where to begin?” As possible starting points they considered the land itself …

[图书][B] Science communication in South Africa: reflections on current issues

P Weingart, M Joubert, B Falade - 2019 - library.oapen.org
" Why do we need to communicate science? Is science, with its highly specialised language
and its arcane methods, too distant to be understood by the public? Is it really possible for …