Starting from the idea that many social work professors exceed the traditionally defined 'service'requirements of their university and are actively involved in social change and …
Universities are dynamic sites of the production of knowledge and power that both reflects and shapes broader social, cultural, economic and political relations. This dissertation …
Social workers play a vital role in helping service users navigate structural barriers and oppressions. Anti-racist social work education trains future social workers to apply critical …
Gripped by the mechanics of “walking into a sea of whiteness,” I frame this master's thesis through the following research question: What are the live (d) experiences and stories of a …
Contemporary anarchist activists aim to manifest non-hierarchical social relations within their own social milieu, as well as topple the social hierarchies that characterize the …
This critical qualitative study examined the experiences of a small group of Muslim teacher candidates (TCs) and the various challenges they encountered while enrolled in teacher …
JM El-Mohtadi - 2024 -
Universities function as spaces where social regulation and control coincide with resistance, growth, and renewal. On the one hand, they are institutions built on advancing settler …
Cette thèse théorique mobilise les perspectives anti-oppressives et le cadre théorique des injustices épistémiques afin d'explorer les différents rapports de pouvoir en recherche …
Durant la dernière décennie, au Québec, de nombreuses mobilisations féministes ont dénoncé l'attentisme et le laxisme des administrations universitaires en matière de …