(Re) defining urban education: A conceptual review and empirical exploration of the definition of urban education

RO Welsh, WA Swain - Educational Researcher, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Generally, educational studies do not problematize the definition of urban education or
examine the positionality of sites along a spectrum of urban districts and schools. This study …

Neighborhood–School structures: A new approach to the joint study of social contexts

P Rich, A Owens - Annual review of sociology, 2023 - annualreviews.org
Robust literatures separately estimate school effects and neighborhood effects on children's
educational, economic, health, and other outcomes that measure well-being. A growing …

Koulutuksellinen tasa-arvo, alueellinen ja sosiaalinen eriytyminen ja myönteisen erityiskohtelun mahdollisuudet

V Bernelius, H Huilla - 2021 - researchportal.helsinki.fi
Selvityksessä tarkastellaan suomalaisen peruskoulun ja varhaiskasvatuksen tasa-
arvotilannetta erityisesti sosiaalisten ja alueellisten jakojen tuottamien haasteiden …

School segregation in contemporary cities: Socio-spatial dynamics, institutional context and urban outcomes

W Boterman, S Musterd, C Pacchi, C Ranci - Urban Studies, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Social and social-spatial inequality are on the rise in the Global North. This has resulted in
increasing segmentation between population groups with different social and ethnic …

Unequal opportunity: School and neighborhood segregation in the USA

A Owens - Race and Social Problems, 2020 - Springer
School and neighborhood segregation are intertwined in complex ways. Schools reflect
segregated neighborhoods, and school considerations reinforce neighborhood segregation …

Social and spatial inequalities of educational opportunity: A portrait of schools serving high-and low-income neighbourhoods in US metropolitan areas

A Owens, J Candipan - Urban Studies, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Neighbourhoods and schools are both important contexts for children's wellbeing. While
often posited, little evidence documents inequalities in schools serving high-and low-income …

'Notorious schools' in 'notorious places'? Exploring the connectedness of urban and educational segregation

V Bernelius, H Huilla, IR Lobato - Social inclusion, 2021 - cogitatiopress.com
While the statistical link between residential and school segregation is well-demonstrated, in-
depth knowledge of the processes or mediating mechanisms which affect the …

Choosing schools in changing places: Examining school enrollment in gentrifying neighborhoods

J Candipan - Sociology of Education, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
School choice expansion in recent decades has weakened the strong link between
neighborhoods and schools created under a strict residence-based school assignment …

Drawn into policy: A systematic review of school rezoning rationales, processes, and outcomes

A Castro, G Siegel-Hawley, K Bridges… - Review of …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
School rezoning is the process of drawing and redrawing school attendance boundaries
(SABs). However, studies explicitly focused on changing SABs through rezoning or other …

Segregated neighborhoods, segregated schools: Do charters break a stubborn link?

P Rich, J Candipan, A Owens - Demography, 2021 - read.dukeupress.edu
Residential and school segregation have historically mirrored each other, with school
segregation seen as simply reflecting residential patterns given neighborhood-based school …