S Cremonini - Modern Physics Letters B, 2011 - World Scientific
This review highlights some of the lessons that the holographic gauge/gravity duality has taught us regarding the behavior of the shear viscosity to entropy density in strongly coupled …
A comprehensive overview of holographic methods in quantum matter, written by pioneers in the field. This book, written by pioneers in the field, offers a comprehensive overview of …
We revisit two-dimensional holography with the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models in mind. Our main result is to rewrite a generic theory of gravity near a two-dimensional anti-de Sitter …
A bstract Recent work by Zamolodchikov and others has uncovered a solvable irrelevant deformation of general 2D CFTs, defined by turning on the dimension 4 operator\(T\overline …
A bstract A recent proposal relates two dimensional holographic conformal field theories deformed by the integrable\(T\overline {T}\) flow to AdS 3 with a finite radial cutoff. We …
A bstract We generalize the\(T\overline {T}\) deformation of CFT 2 to higher-dimensional large-N CFTs, and show that in holographic theories, the resulting effective field theory …
Heavy ion collision experiments recreating the quark-gluon plasma that filled the nascent universe have established that it is a nearly perfect liquid that flows with such minimal …
A bstract We take an analytic approach to the CFT bootstrap, studying the 4-pt correlators of d> 2 dimensional CFTs in an Eikonal-type limit, where the conformal cross ratios satisfy …
A bstract We study some aspects of the de Sitter version of Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity. Though we do not have propagating gravitons, we have a boundary mode when we …