CL Christensen - Critical Studies in Television, 2016 -
This article concerns the Danish public service broadcaster, Danmark Radio, and the programmes on health it produced from 1990 to 2010. It applies a historical perspective and …
Based on a comparative analysis of the Danish and Australian adaptations of the Idols format–Idols on TV3/Danmark and Australian Idol on Channel 10, respectively–this chapter …
H Bruun - MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication …, 2011 -
How do we explain changes in media genres? Are they the result of economic, technological or other kinds of structural forces; or are they the result of the change …
PM Jensen - Critical Studies in Television, 2013 -
The article investigates Danish public service broadcasters' use of format adaptations over a twelve-year period in order to examine claims that formats constitute a potential threat to …
CL Christensen - MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication …, 2013 -
This article concerns health programs that the Danish public service broadcaster DR produced from the 1990s to 2012. The study is based on a qualitative content analysis of …
H Bruun - Northern Lights: Film & Media Studies Yearbook, 2012 -
This article argues for a genre approach in the analysis of changing production cultures. It supports the fruitfulness of this approach using results from a study of satirical sketch …
A Moran, LG McMurtry, M Curtin, PW Sewell, RJ Hand… -
The past twenty years have seen major changes in the ways that television formats and programming are developed and replicated internationally for different markets–with locally …
ЕГ Шестакова - Південний архів (філологічні науки), 2024 -
Анотація Сучасне суспільство, навіть пересічна людина багато в чому стає медіатекстами. Вони вже не є стільки пасивними споживачами інформації від масмедіа …