Utilization of Mustard Vegetable Waste (Brassica juncea, L) as Organic Liquid Fertilizer (POC) in Gampong Lamceu, Kuta Baru District, Aceh Besar

S Agustina, IR Aprita, C Anwar, HA Umar… - Eumpang Breuh …, 2023 - ejurnalunsam.id
The increase in the amount of household waste along with the increasing population in an
area is a major problem in the community. Vegetable waste is the biggest contributor to …

Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair Berbahan Dasar Limbah Organik Pasar MMTC Medan

S Silaban, M Simorangkir… - Jurnal Pengabdian …, 2022 - ejournal.sisfokomtek.org
This community partnership program (PKM) activity aims to train and assist farmer group
partners" Kelomtawar" to make liquid organic fertilizer (POC) based on organic waste at the …

Pendampingan Kelompok Tani Di Desa Rejosari Melalui Alih Teknologi Irigasi Menggunakan Mesin Pompa Air Sawah Berbahan Bakar Ganda

A Rijanto, S Rahayuningsih… - AMMA: Jurnal …, 2023 - journal.mediapublikasi.id
Partners for community service activities in the Community-Based Empowerment (PBM)
scheme with the scope of Community Partnership Empowerment (PKM) were farmer groups …