Generalisation in machine learning often relies on the ability to encode structures present in data into an inductive bias of the model class. To understand the power of quantum machine …
A well-motivated method for demonstrating that an experiment resists any classical explanation is to show that its statistics violate generalized noncontextuality. We here …
Operational contextuality forms a rapidly developing subfield of quantum information theory. However, the characterization of the quantum mechanical entities that fuel the phenomenon …
The formalism of generalized probabilistic theories (GPTs) was originally developed as a way to characterize the landscape of conceivable physical theories. Thus, the GPT …
Quantum theory features several phenomena which can be considered as resources for information processing tasks. Some of these effects, such as entanglement, arise in a …
We show that the phase-space formulation of general probabilistic theories can be extended to include a generalized time evolution and that it can describe a nonquantum hydrogenlike …
The gold standard for demonstrating that an experiment resists any classical explanation is to show that its statistics violate generalized noncontextuality. We here provide an open …
It is commonly believed that failures of tomographic completeness undermine assessments of nonclassicality in noncontextuality experiments. In this work, we study how such failures …
Generalized noncontextuality is a well-studied notion of classicality that is applicable to a single system, as opposed to Bell locality. It relies on representing operationally …