Given a smooth complex threefold X, we define the virtual motive Hilb^n(X)_vir of the Hilbert scheme of n points on X. In the case when X is Calabi–Yau, Hilb^n(X)_vir gives a motivic …
A Galligo - Annales de l'institut Fourier, 1979 -
L'objet principal de ce travail est le théorème de division également baptisé «technique des escaliers». Cette technique permet d'associer à chaque idéal de séries entières …
We review the open problems in the theory of deformations of zero-dimensional objects, such as algebras, modules or tensors. We list both the well-known ones and some new ones …
B Sturmfels - Journal of Algebra, 2000 -
We present counterexamples to four conjectures which appeared in the literature in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. The four questions to be studied are largely …
B Poonen - Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2008 -
The moduli space of rank-n commutative algebras equipped with an ordered basis is an affine scheme 3n of finite type over Z, with geometrically connected fibers. It is smooth if and …
L'objet de ce travail est l'étude des déformations plates de" points" ou genne d'espaces analytiques (non réduits!) de dimension zéro, dans un espace analytique complexe X. En …
A Dimca, B Szendroi - arXiv preprint arXiv:0904.2419, 2009 -
We study a natural Hodge module on the Hilbert scheme of four points on affine three- space, which categorifies the Donaldson--Thomas invariant of the Hilbert scheme. We …
J Elías, L Robbiano, G Valla - Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 1991 -
Let I be a homogeneous ideal of a polynomial ring over a field, v (I) the number of elements of any minimal basis of I, e= e (I) the multiplicity or degree of R/I, h= h (I) the height or …
In this paper we provide a new method to certify that a nearby polynomial system has a singular isolated root and we compute its multiplicity structure. More precisely, given a …