SW Yackee - Annual Review of Political Science, 2019 - annualreviews.org
Rulemaking is a critical part of American government and governance. This article reviews the political underpinnings of modern rulemaking. Specifically, it highlights the process and …
Who determines the fuel standards for our cars? What about whether Plan B, the morning- after pill, is sold at the local pharmacy? Many people assume such important and …
In the wake of recent high-profile power failures, policymakers and politicians have asserted that there is an inherent tension between the aims of clean energy and grid reliability. But …
Studies of administrative politics focus primarily on political control and ignore organizational capacity. We argue that political and organizational factors, as well as the …
RA Potter - The Journal of Politics, 2017 - journals.uchicago.edu
The slow pace of administrative action is arguably a defining characteristic of modern bureaucracy. The reasons proffered for delay are numerous, often centering on procedural …
Clashes between presidential appointees and civil servants are frontpage news. Whether styled as a" deep state" hostile to its democratically selected political principals or as bold" …
Rulemaking gives agencies significant power to change public policy, but agencies do not exercise this power in a vacuum. The separation of powers system practically guarantees …
Regulatory diffusion occurs when an agency adopts a substantially similar rule to that of another agency. Indeed, regulatory texts proliferate just like other forms of law do. While this …
Congressional enactments and executive orders instruct agencies to publish their anticipated rules in what is known as the Unified Agenda. The Agenda's stated purpose is to …