Anticipated effects of abiotic environmental change on intraspecific social interactions

DN Fisher, RJ Kilgour, ER Siracusa… - Biological …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Social interactions are ubiquitous across the animal kingdom. A variety of ecological and
evolutionary processes are dependent on social interactions, such as movement, disease …

Social information links individual behavior to population and community dynamics

MA Gil, AM Hein, O Spiegel, ML Baskett… - Trends in ecology & …, 2018 -
When individual animals make decisions, they routinely use information produced
intentionally or unintentionally by other individuals. Despite its prevalence and established …

Negative effect of turbidity on prey capture for both visual and non‐visual aquatic predators

JCG Ortega, BRS Figueiredo… - Journal of Animal …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Turbidity plays an important role in aquatic predator–prey interactions. Increases in turbidity
are expected to reduce prey capture rates, especially for visually oriented predators …

Turbidity increases risk perception but constrains collective behaviour during foraging by fish shoals

AC Chamberlain, CC Ioannou - Animal Behaviour, 2019 - Elsevier
Highlights•Three-spined sticklebacks slow decision making in turbid versus clear water.•A
speed-accuracy trade-off and improved accuracy were only seen in turbid water.•This …

A meta-analytical review of turbidity effects on fish mobility

JN Rodrigues, JCG Ortega, DK Petsch… - Reviews in Fish Biology …, 2023 - Springer
Human activities have resulted in higher levels of turbidity in aquatic systems due to
increased sediment runoff from agriculture, urbanization, and mining activities into nearby …

Temperature and turbidity interact synergistically to alter anti-predator behaviour in the Trinidadian guppy

C Zanghi, M Munro… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 -
Due to climate change, freshwater habitats are facing increasing temperatures and more
extreme weather that disrupts water flow. Together with eutrophication and sedimentation …

Developmental plasticity in vision and behavior may help guppies overcome increased turbidity

SM Ehlman, BA Sandkam, F Breden, A Sih - Journal of Comparative …, 2015 - Springer
Increasing turbidity in streams and rivers near human activity is cause for environmental
concern, as the ability of aquatic organisms to use visual information declines. To investigate …

Measurement differences between turbidity instruments, and their implications for suspended sediment concentration and load calculations: A sensor inter …

A Rymszewicz, JJ O'sullivan, M Bruen… - Journal of …, 2017 - Elsevier
The use of turbidity for indicating environmentally detrimental levels of suspended and
colloidal matter in freshwater systems, and for defining acceptable water quality standards in …

[HTML][HTML] High turbidity levels alter coral reef fish movement in a foraging task

C Newport, O Padget, TB de Perera - Scientific reports, 2021 -
Sensory systems allow animals to detect and respond to stimuli in their environment and
underlie all behaviour. However, human induced pollution is increasingly interfering with the …

Linking weir imprints with riverine water chemistry, microhabitat alterations, fish assemblages, chlorophyll-nutrient dynamics, and ecological health assessments

U Atique, S Kwon, KG An - Ecological Indicators, 2020 - Elsevier
The weir construction in larger rivers has displayed harmful impacts due to unpredicted
modifications in hydrology and microhabitats. This study illustrated the impacts of three …