Local Wisdom and Social Change (Roland Barthes' Semiotic Analysis in Advertisement" The Light of Aceh")

RY Siregar - Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan Dan …, 2021 - ejournal.insuriponorogo.ac.id
This research focuses on answering how Acehnese local wisdom is represented and sees
social changes in the community through advertising media. Using Roland Barthes' semiotic …

Building Bridges, Not Walls: Navigating Inter-Religious Conflict Over Worship Spaces in Aceh Singkil, Indonesia

A Zain, M Maturidi - Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan …, 2023 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
This study aims to identify the factors causing conflict, analyse conflict resolution methods,
and determine the factors that hinder the resolution of conflicts related to the construction of …

Pluralisme dalam Perwujudan Toleransi melalui Relasi Komunitas Gusdurian-Gereja Gereja Kristen Jawi Wetan (GKJW)

T Wijanarka, NKDAP Sari - Dialog, 2023 - jurnaldialog.kemenag.go.id
Tulisan ini berusaha mengkaji mengenai kondisi masyarakat majemuk di Indonesia yang
terkadang masih sering mengalami gesekan-gesekan horizontal. Gesekan-gesekan ini …

Mengelola Keragaman Agama di Ruang Publik: Tantangan Pembangunan Negara Bangsa Indonesia

E Budiwanti - 2022 - penerbit.brin.go.id
Potensi konflik dalam masyarakat hetereogen bukan hanya terjadi antar agama saja, tetapi
juga dalam hubungan intra agama, yakni antar kelompok seagama yang berbeda …

Communication Strategy of BAZNAS Da'i in Preaching Among Muslim Minorities in Karo Regency

AW Hasibuan, S Hasibuan… - … Research and Critics …, 2021 - bircu-journal.com
This type of research is qualitative research. is research that does not use abbreviations of
signs or attributes. Force and Krik understand qualitative research as specific customs in …

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Communication Pattern of Pertamina in Muslim Communities, Rantau District, Aceh Tamiang Regency

R Riswanto, AT Sikumbang… - … International Research and …, 2021 - bircu-journal.com
The implementation of CSR communication program is inseparable from the role of public
relations as a bridge between Pertamina companies and the community and vice versa. As …

Gayo's Scientific Network, Samalanga, Thawalib to Candung Era 1900-1986

I Harun, E Yusdiana, S Saifullah - … International Research and …, 2020 - bircu-journal.com
The history of the network growth between knowledge claimants from Gayo and scholars in
the Aceh Coast, West Sumatra and Bangil, East Java, involves a very complex historical …