Under the influence of the global spread of human rights, legal disputes are increasingly framed in human rights terms. Parties to a legal dispute can often invoke human rights …
When international courts are given sweeping powers, why would they ever refuse to use them? The book explains how and when courts employ strategies for institutional survival …
The notion of conflict rests at the heart of the judicial function. Judges are routinely asked to resolve disputes and defuse tensions. Yet, when judges are called upon to adjudicate a …
The article examines methods of distinguishing positive and negative duties within the provisions of the European Convention of Human Rights as applied by the European Court …
Özet İfade özgürlüğü, demokratik toplumun en önemli unsurlarından biridir ve Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi'nin (AİHS) 10. maddesinde düzenlemiştir. İfade özgürlüğü, oldukça …
Özet Ateş yanıklığı hastalığına neden olan Erwinia amylovora, Rosaceae familyasından başta armut, elma, ayva, yenidünya gibi yumuşak çekirdekli meyve türleri için en tahripkar …
C Stratilatis - Democracy after Covid: Challenges in Europe and …, 2022 - Springer
In the first part of this chapter, we shall argue that the legal regime under which most of the COVID-19 measures were adopted in Cyprus is problematic both from the standpoint of the …
Zusammenfassung Der effektive Schutz der Fundamentalgarantie von Art. 3 EMRK setzt klare Mindeststandards im Strafvollzug sowie deren konsequente Durchsetzung voraus …
23 years after the ICJ's Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, a general treaty prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons has been adopted. It may …