The only detailed examination of how the British media treat Muslims Uncovering endemic racism in the British Media Ever since 9/11, Muslims and Islam have dominated the …
Many Muslim societies, regardless of location, are displaying a 'youth bulge', where more than half their populations are under the age of 25. An increasingly globalized western …
Zusammenfassung Das Islambild in westlichen Medien ist seit Jahrzehnten ein Gegenstand der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Forschung. Zahlreiche Studien in den USA, in …
T Archer - Cooperation and Conflict, 2009 -
British Muslims are citizens of the United Kingdom and also part of a worldwide community, the Umma, the Muslim community of the faithful. British Muslims have both national and …
This book tackles unanswered questions on British Muslims and political participation: What makes religion a salient'political'identity for young Muslims (over any other identity)? How do …
During the last ten years the Islamic banking sector has grown rapidly, at an international level, as well as in individual jurisdictions including the UK. Islamic finance differs quite …
How have long-standing and unconscious secular assumptions about religion shaped the post-9/11 climate and its wars? Stacey Gutkowski explores this little-examined, yet crucial …
Muslim women are opening up new educational and career pathways across the UK, pioneering roles in digital media, fashion design and visual art. However, their contributions …
The New Muslim Elites in European Cities: Religion and Active Social Citizenship Amongst Young Organized Muslims in Brussels and Page 1 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN …