Sunlight reflection and carbon removal proposals for “climate engineering”(CE) confront governance challenges that many emerging technologies face: their futures are uncertain …
S Low, S Schäfer - Sustainability science, 2019 - Springer
Making sense of the implications of climate engineering approaches (solar radiation management, SRM; and carbon dioxide removal, CDR) at planetary scales occurs via a host …
O Schmidt, M Rivera - Geographica Helvetica, 2020 -
While the idea of extracting deep-seabed resources dates back to as early as the 1960s, it remained pure fiction for decades due to limited technical possibilities and prohibitive costs …
S Schäfer - Climate, Science and Society, 2023 -
In 2020, the United States Congress ordered the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to set up a new research initiative. Designed to improve knowledge …
Depuis une dizaine d'années, le transhumanisme fait l'objet d'une attention soutenue de la part de nombreuses disciplines de sciences humaines, des médias et de nombreux acteurs …
In the Anthropocene, climate change and its associated impacts are an emerging threat. In the light of global shortcomings in meeting mitigation and adaptation targets, the discourse …