[引用][C] Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention

S Autesserre - 2014 - books.google.com
This book suggests a new explanation for why international peace interventions often fail to
reach their full potential. Based on several years of ethnographic research in conflict zones …

[图书][B] Forces for good?: Military masculinities and peacebuilding in Afghanistan and Iraq

C Duncanson - 2013 - books.google.com
This book utilises the growing phenomenon of British soldier narratives from Iraq and
Afghanistan to explore how British soldiers make sense of their role on these complex, multi …

Conditional protection? Sex, gender, and discourse in UN peacekeeping

KM Jennings - International Studies Quarterly, 2019 - academic.oup.com
How do peacekeepers operating in Haiti, Liberia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(DRC) discursively construct the local people, especially local women, and to what effect? I …

Women as the Essential Protectors of Children?: Gender and Child Protection in UN Peacekeeping

D Johnson - International Peacekeeping, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT The United Nations and many member states have placed increased emphasis
on improving child protection in UN peacekeeping missions, particularly with regard to child …

Construire la paix: conceptions collectives de son établissement, de son maintien et de sa consolidation

S Autesserre - Critique internationale, 2011 - cairn.info
par Séverine Autesserre depuis la fin de la guerre froide, les interventions internationales
destinées à rétablir la paix dans des zones en conflit se sont multipliées, tandis que les …

Change in practice: a framework for analysing the transformation of post-conflict masculinities

M Messerschmidt, H Quest - Critical Military Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This article addresses two shortcomings in the existing research on masculinities during or
after armed conflict: a strong focus on violent masculinities and a lack of approaches to …

A case for India's 'leadership'in United Nations peacekeeping

K Krishnasamy - International Studies, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
As one of the traditional peacekeepers with vast field experiences, India should rise to new
levels of peacekeeping—not just participating by way of deploying Indian troops as part of a …

The United Nations Security Council's agenda on 'Women, Peace and Security': bureaucratic pathologies and unrealised potential

J Klot - 2015 - etheses.lse.ac.uk
Considered the single greatest achievement in 'engendering'global security policy, UN
Security Council Resolution 1325 (SCR 1325) is celebrated as a triumph of women's peace …

The contribution of Commonwealth armed forces in UN peacekeeping: the case of Bangladesh

R Uz Zaman, NR Biswas - The Round Table, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Bangladesh is one of the top troop contributing countries to UN Peacekeeping Operations.
This paper traces the antecedents and history of the Bangladesh Armed Forces and follows …

[图书][B] Army Fundamentals: From making soldiers to the limits of the military instrument

B Greener - 2017 - books.google.com
How do we understand the functions of militaries of democratic societies? How good
soldiers are made, how they behave when posted overseas, the issue of gender and the …