Governance is key to tackling water challenges and transforming water management under the increasing pressures of competing water uses and climate change. Diverse water …
W Clark, A Harley - Sustainability Science Program Working …, 2019 -
We review recent scholarship relevant to the pursuit of sustainable development. We find a compelling argument that the interactions of nature and society in the Anthropocene …
The dominant model of energy infrastructure has historically been conceived in a very centralized fashion, ie, with hardly any citizen involvement in energy generation. Yet …
Rural populations around the world rely on small-scale farming and other uses of land and natural resources, which are often governed by customary, traditional, and indigenous …
Protected areas (PAs) remain central to the conservation of biodiversity. Classical PAs were conceived as areas that would be set aside to maintain a natural state with minimal human …
The recent phenomenon of large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) is associated with what has been described as a global agrarian transition. New forms of land exploitation and …
DH Cole, G Epstein, MD McGinnis - International Journal of the Commons, 2019 - JSTOR
Elinor Ostrom's IAD (Institutional Analysis and Development) and SES (Social-Ecological Systems) frameworks are widely used by social scientists and policy analysts, but many …
Legal and institutional structures fundamentally shape opportunities for adaptive governance of environmental resources at multiple ecological and societal scales …
Despite the recognition that institutions matter for international development, the debates over institutional reforms tend to obscure the role of power. Neoliberal models of …