Undervalued potential of crassulacean acid metabolism for current and future agricultural production

SC Davis, J Simpson, KC Gil-Vega… - Journal of …, 2019 - academic.oup.com
The potential for crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) to support resilient crops that meet
demands for food, fiber, fuel, and pharmaceutical products far exceeds current production …

The phytochemical constituents and therapeutic uses of genus Aloe: A review

P Aida, P Cosmin, M Emil, F Graur… - Notulae Botanicae …, 2021 - notulaebotanicae.ro
Aloe, the largest genus in the Asphodelaceae family, comprises 548 species, with A. vera, A.
arborescens and A. ferox being among the most widely studied species. Aloe species …

Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization on nitrogen and phosphorus uptake and growth of Aloe vera l.

K Tawaraya, M Turjaman, HA Ekamawanti - Hortscience, 2007 - journals.ashs.org
The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)
uptake and shoot growth of Aloe vera was investigated. Plants were inoculated with one of …

Nutrient solution on aloin content and other quality characteristics of Aloe vera

F Saliqehdar, S Sedaghathoor, JALI OLFATI - 2014 - sid.ir
One of the main constraints inAloe vera production is poor information about optimum
nutrients that are helpful for growth and production. The objective of this study was to …

[PDF][PDF] Growth, Yield and Quality of Ecotypes of Aloe vera L.

S Ganesh, G Alagukannan - Madras Agricultural Journal, 2009 - masujournal.org
Aloe vera L. is extensively used in preparation of medicines, cosmetics and food
supplements. In this study 21 ecotypes were evaluated and significant variation was …

[PDF][PDF] Characterization of hitter and non-bitter type of Aloe vera

MM Azam, S Kumar, A Pancholy - Indian Journal of Agricultural …, 2009 - epubs.icar.org.in
Aloe vera is indigenous to Africa and spread to different parts of the world, including India.
Three bitter tasting varieties of A. vera namely, A. vera var. chinensis, A. vera var. littoralis …

Physico-chemical evaluation of bitter and non-bitter Aloe and their raw juice for human consumption

MM Azam, S Kumar, A Pancholy, M Patidar - Journal of food science and …, 2014 - Springer
In addition to Aloe vera which is bitter in taste, a non-bitter Aloe is also found in arid part of
Rajasthan. This non-bitter Aloe (NBA) is sporadically cultivated as vegetable and for health …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of salinity levels, water regimes and nitrogen on crop growth and yield of Aloe

SK Chauhan - Ann Plant Soil Res, 2013 - gkvsociety.com
The experiment was conducted during 2008-10 to study the effect of salinity levels, water
regimes and nitrogen on crop growth, yield and economics of aloe (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) …

تأثير التسميد بالنيتروجين والفوسفور والبوتاسيوم على صفات الجودة في نبات الكلانشو (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

أحمد الصاوي المبروك, خالد مسعود مازق - مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم …, 2024‎ - jhas-bwu.com
يلعب التسميد دوراً حيوياً في تعزيز الإنتاجية في العديد من النباتات العصارية، بما في ذلك
نبات كالانشو. أجريت تجربة أصيص بالصوبة الزجاجية بكلية الزراعة بالبيضاء جامعة عمر …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of water regimes, nitrogen and phosphorus on crop growth, yield and economics of aloe (Aloe barbadensis)

RL Bhardwaj - Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2011 - epubs.icar.org.in
The experiment was conducted during 2006–08 to study the effect of water regimes,
nitrogen and phosphorus on crop growth, yield and economics of aloe (Aloe barbadensis …