Most people understand Judaism to be the Torah and the Torah to be Judaism. However, in The Invention of Judaism, John J. Collins persuasively argues this was not always the case …
T Kruger, K Baltzer, OC Dean - 2004 -
summary Qoheleth presents a special challenge not only for professional commentators but also for'normal'readers of the Hebrew text (or a modern translation).... Most people in …
Essential reading for scholars and students in wisdom studies This collection of essays explores questions that challenge the traditional notion of a wisdom tradition among the …
Die Monographie stellt die Regierungszeit des judaischen Konigs Josia als entscheidende Phase der Solarisierung Jahwes heraus. Die Grundschicht von Psalm 72, der …
Walter Bührer investigates the methodological presuppositions for a relative-dating of Old Testament texts. With Gen 1–3 a test case he works with one of the most important texts in …
Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition begins with the recognition that modern culture emerged from a synthesis of the legacies of ancient Greek civilization and the theological …
The authoritative new account of the BibleÕs origins, illuminating the 1,600-year tradition that shaped the Christian and Jewish holy books as millions know them today. The Bible as …
Dem Autor geht es in seiner Untersuchung darum, wie menschliches Leben im biblischen Buch Kohelet (Prediger Salomo) verstanden wird. Die Einsicht in die eigene Sterblichkeit …
There is a lively discussion in contemporary philosophy that explores the meaning of life or, more modestly, meaning in life. Philosophers, for the most part, assume that religion has …