Tsunami hazard is a very low-probability, but potentially high-risk natural hazard, posing unique challenges to scientists and policy makers trying to mitigate its impacts. These …
Monitoring for assessment of natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, presents a methodological challenge for the scientific community. Here, we present Unmanned Aerial …
Among the various university courses I took for my geoscience degree, volcanology and structural geology motivated me by far the most. Volcanoes and deformed rocks are indeed …
The concept of an 'Azores mantle plume'has been widely debated, and the existence of an Azores hotspot questioned. In an effort to shed new light on this controversy, we present He …
We use GPS, bathymetric/structural, and seismic data to define the pattern of present deformation along the northern half of the Azores plateau, where the Nubia–Eurasia plate …
The instability of lava deltas is a recurrent phenomenon affecting volcanic islands, which can potentially cause secondary events such as littoral explosions (due to interactions between …
The growth and decay of oceanic volcanoes developed close to plate boundaries are intrinsically related to a competition between construction and destruction processes, partly …
Slow-moving subaqueous landslides (SMSL) have been recognised in many studies from seafloor bathymetric and seismic data, based on shared morphological characteristics with …
The evolution of volcanic islands is generally marked by fast construction phases alternating with destruction by a variety of mass-wasting processes. More specifically, volcanic islands …