M Kovacic, D Dolenec - Young people re-generating politics in times of …, 2018 - Springer
This chapter explores ways in which austerity policies have influenced patterns of youth political participation between the core and periphery of the European Union (EU), focusing …
ABSTRACT A successful democratic consolidation of post-socialist societies depends, among other things, on their citizens' political culture, younger generations included …
Sažetak The article analyses how young people in Croatia conceptualise their identities in terms of “place identifications”, a type of social identification that captures membership of a …
Sažetak U radu se raspravlja o shvaćanju braka i oblicima partnerskog života u društvu kasne modernosti, na temelju podataka iz anketnog istraživanja stavova studenata …
In the context of our work, we want to point out how religion has multiple social functions and as such, under certain circumstances, can serve as a fertile soil for distance and closeness …
Ž Boneta - Sociologija i prostor: časopis za istraživanje …, 2016 - hrcak.srce.hr
Tekst analizira institucionalnu religioznost riječkih studenata te problematizira tvrdnju da je religioznost mladih u Hrvatskoj stabilna i da postaje sve sličnija religioznosti „odraslih “ …
K Nikodem, J Jurlina - Sociologija i prostor: časopis za istraživanje …, 2018 - hrcak.srce.hr
Rad se temelji na analizi rezultata empirijskog istraživanja provedenog u razdoblju od siječnja do travnja 2017. godine na prigodnom uzorku studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i …
V Bilić - Medijska istraživanja: znanstveno-stručni časopis za …, 2014 - hrcak.srce.hr
This paper examines the prediction of experiencing and committing cyberbullying on the basis of perception of injustice and care received from the environment. The study involved …
Sažetak The Net Generation, a generation which grew up with digital media, differ from older generations which entered the world of digital media and the Internet afterwards. The …