Deep reinforcement learning suffers from catastrophic forgetting and sample inefficiency making it less applicable to the ever-changing real world. However, the ability to use …
The application of Artificial Intelligence methods is becoming indispensable in several domains, for instance in credit card fraud detection, voice recognition, autonomous cars and …
RoboFEI is a recurring team on the RoboCup KidSize League, participating in this category since 2014, in João Pessoa, Brazil. In order to participate on this year's RoboCup KidSize …
A navegação de robôs móveis em ambiente real é um das tarefas mais complexas em robótica, O robô deve se movimentar pelo ambiente, desviando dos obstáculos e chegar em …
RoboFEI is a recurring team on the KidSize League from RoboCup's competition, participating in this category since 2014, in the competition that took place in Joao …